Guest Post & Giveaway with Robin Bielman

Today we have Entangled Bliss author Robin Bielman here today to talk to us about her latest release, Kissing the Maid of Honor. Welcome to The Book Pushers Robin!

Robin Bielman

Hello everyone! Huge thanks to the Book Pushers for having me as a guest today! I’m thrilled to be here to celebrate the release of my new Bliss book, KISSING THE MAID OF HONOR.

 The Art of Banter

In my new release from Entangled Publishing, KISSING THE MAID OF HONOR, my hero and heroine do a lot of bantering. Which really is the DBA for flirting, but because they both believe they’re supposed to stay away from each other (he’s her best friend’s brother), they pretend to ignore what it really is. I had the best time writing the sexual tension between them while slowly showing the build-up to something more.  Luke is charismatic, the hometown hero who doesn’t mind attention, and is helpless to stop the growing feelings he has for Sela. Sela is the small town sweetheart, hates attention, and the last person she wants to get up close and personal with is Luke.

Yet… they’re drawn to one another. The fact that she’s the maid of honor and he’s the best man doesn’t help matters. So they tease each other…

“Close your eyes and feel the movement. Let the music guide you,” the dance teacher said softly.

            Luke waited for Sela to shut her eyes. Christ, she was pretty. The woman made scrubs look sexy. But it was what she had on the inside that suddenly made his mouth drier than the Sahara Desert.

            Her eyes fluttered open. “You can wipe that smug look off your face. You’re not that good of a dancer.”

            “No?” Without missing a beat, he spun them around, their steps in perfect tandem. An invisible string kept them in harmony. The flush of Sela’s cheeks kept energy humming through his veins.

            Her eyes narrowed and her lips pursed, and Luke imagined she’d much rather have a sword in her hand so they could fence instead of move with each other.

            “You know what they say about show-offs, don’t you?” she said.

            “Tell me.” He twirled them away from the others, his fingertips increasing the pressure on her shoulder blade.

            “They’re compensating for something else. Usually something small.” Her gaze dipped below his waist as they both stepped back.

            He laughed. For the second time in the last hour she’d done what few women could—raise his hackles in the most engaging way.

            “Sweetheart, there’s nothing small about me,” he whispered when they came together. “And if you need proof, I’d be happy to show you.”

The thing with bantering, I think, is that it catches on like wildfire and once you start with someone—someone you’re attracted to—it’s hard to stop. Joking and quips are fun, exciting. The mind has to stay sharp and thoughts swirl through your head on the best response.

“I think I may have snorted frosting up my nose,” Sela said.

“Is that what that sound was? I thought Mrs. Witt’s pig had gotten loose.”

Sela gasped. “You did not just compare me to a pig.”

“No. I compared your snort to an oink.”

“And you’re an expert on pig sounds because?” She squared her shoulders, ready to spar with Luke until she won. He might think he could best her like he had so many times in high school, but she was older now. Wiser. Less intimidated when she wasn’t thinking how gorgeous he was.

He leaned closer. “Because I like to play dirty,” he said, his voice low, husky.

She faltered for a second, her body reacting to his nearness and words with uncharacteristic need. The more time she spent with Luke Watters, the more she couldn’t fight his pull. “Or it takes one to know one.”

Friendly verbal sparring ups the tension between characters. It gives the reader a glimpse into their personalities, and for me, it escalates the will they or won’t they? The when will they? How will they? Will they get to it already? LOL

So what about you? Do you like the long, drawn out passion between characters? Or do you prefer they start with a bang?

Enter Robin’s Rafflecopter giveaway for a chance to win one of 5 Bridesmaid Gift Packs, all full with lots of girly swag!

7 thoughts on “Guest Post & Giveaway with Robin Bielman”

  1. Banter is my favorite part of novels! Unless the storyline is friends-to-lovers, the best bantering relationships start with a bang!

  2. I do like stories where the tension between the characters build. It definitely makes you wonder what will happen next.

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