Review: Going Nowhere Fast by Kati Wilde

Going Nowhere Fast caught my eye in the Berkley roundup email and I was quite intrigued. I read a Hellfire MC novella of Kati Wilde’s a few years back and enjoyed it, but as usual with me and many series, I didn’t go back. Going Nowhere Fast is a standalone title, though it’s loosely connected to the Hellfire series.

I freaking loved this book. I wasn’t expecting it to be in my top reads of 2017, yet here I am plonking it in the list. It was so bloody dirty. Like super, sexy, rawr dirty that had Aspen squirming in delight because of Bram, and me fanning my face.

Bram and Aspen had a ‘I hate you thing’ going on, with Bram the disapproving, older brother who believed Aspen was a terrible influence on his little sister, Bethany. From the very moment Aspen met Bram the two clashed heads. She didn’t back down from him and went off on him when he lashed out at Aspen at the audacity of her treating his sister like an adult and by simply being her best friend. I loved Aspen. She was so loyal. Aspen and her family struggled financially in debt after the death of her father, but she worked her butt off, along with her mother, to get where she is today.

Oh Bram. Bram was Mr Disapproving and was nicknamed Tin Man by Aspen for his robotic ways. Bram became guardian of Bethany after their parents were killed in a car accident. Bethany was his number one priority and when Aspen came into Bethany’s life he wasn’t a happy bunny. Bram did have a stick up his butt when it came to Aspen, but for reasons of his own that were revealed later in the book. When Bethany pulled out of the road trip it was a delight seeing Bram losing control with Aspen. The two had so many arguments, though Bram was the instigator most of the time. Bram was a complicated guy. I did want to slap some sense into him on a few occasions. And that’s where the conflict came in, with Bram and Aspen sharing this incredible sexual chemistry, but Bram and his cutting remarks always managed to find their way into Aspen’s heart and he hurt her so many times. I never believed in the old and now outdated term that bones may break me, but words will never hurt me. Nope. Words do hurt. A lot.

Despite Bram and his scary ways, he was so into Aspen. The guy was a walking, dirty-talking sex machine. Have I mentioned how dirty this book was? I’ll mention it again. SO DAMN DIRTY. Here’s a little teaser excerpt from one of my favourite scenes in the book.

In the dark tent he’s a darker shadow looming over me, kneeling between my spread thighs. I push up onto my elbows.

Too late.

Hard hands grip my waist. My shoulders hit the mattress again as he lifts my hips high into the air, then braces one strong forearm beneath my lower back. Oh my god. My hands push wildly against the mattress but he’s kneeling between my legs, my soft inner thighs clamped around his hips, my body bowed into a bridge with my shoulders on the bed and my toes barely brushing the surface.

I’ve got no leverage here. I’m completely open to him, his for the taking. I can’t do anything but lie here and be fucked.

And I’ve never wanted anything so much.

I was hooked on this book and ended up glomming late into the night. Bram and Aspen grew closer with one another on their road trip as they explored not only sights, but each other. From that amazing tent scene to the scene in which Bram and Aspen met up with the Hellfire crew, this was such a fun and emotional road-trip romance. There was always a strained tension between them, though, and that was Bethany. Aspen’s loyalty was deep and no matter how much Bram tried (taking Aspen on the road trip and sending pictures was his way of luring Bethany out) she wasn’t breaking her oath to her best friend.

So when they finally fall deep in love and Bram opened up to Aspen about his past and his family (sad and heartbreaking) it’s Bethany that is the catalyst that turns shit up. And oh boy did I really dislike Bram and Bethany for a short while. Aspen loved these two siblings so much and when Bram found out the reasons behind Bethany’s issues, they both take their anger out on Aspen!!!! I was so mad.

Aspen is no doormat and she finally doesn’t forgive Bram for lashing out. And Bram grovelled and he had to go through a lot of pain for causing Aspen pain. So the grovelling scene was pretty damn good. I loved this book so much because Wilde made me believe 100% that Bram and Aspen were made for one another. So I now need to go reread all of the Hellfire titles. And I need Bethany’s book and Murphy! Murphy, Bram’s best friend, was hilarious. Wasn’t sure if there was a little sequel bait planted by Wilde between Murphy and Bethany.

Going Nowhere Fast was an amazing dirty book that packed in a lot of emotions and tension with amazing characters that had so much depth. I can’t wait to read more of her work.

I give it an A.

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