Here at The Book Pushers we are so lucky to be able to talk to some of our favorite authors, and today MinnChica is jumping around like a little fangirl. Lorelei James is one of the best erotica writers out there, and her cowboy series have readers everywhere looking for a bronc riding hottie in tight Levi’s.
The 11th book in her Rough Rider series, CHASIN’ EIGHT, comes out June 28th and will be featuring rodeo bad boy Chase McKay. Lorelei also writes for the NAL imprint at Penguin, and her Blacktop Cowboy Series will be releasing the third book in the series, WRANGLED AND TANGLED on November 1st of this year.
As Lori G. Armstrong, she also writes mystery books. Her two series feature PI Julie Collins and Mercy Gunderson, the former black ops Army sniper.
Lorelei, Thank you so much for being here!
LJ: Thanks for having me!
The Book Pushers: Where did the idea behind the Rough Riders come from?
LJ: Growing up in South Dakota, I’ve always been surrounded by farmers, ranchers, and cowboys. Lucky me, huh? But most the westerns I read were historical, and few authors were talking about modern day ranchers and the life they led. And a lot of what I read wasn’t necessarily wrong, but it glossed over some of the difficult aspects of living in rural America that I wanted to explore and most people who live in urban areas don’t get to see—whether or not it’s politically correct. So the McKay family was born in my head—a family that’s been ranching in Wyoming for generations. Creating such a large family has allowed me to write from many points of view, in additon to exploring family dynamics. Each book focuses on a different family member. In starting this series, I also wanted more down and dirty details about what exactly went on behind the bedroom door or in the pickup truck, so I made the series an erotic romance series.
The Book Pushers: Can you tell us a little more about Chase and his story?
LJ: Chase McKay is a professional bull rider and has had a rough go of it recently, both on and off the dirt. After he’s caught in an…indelicate situation, he’s kicked off the PBR tour to get his act together. He doesn’t want to deal with his family’s pity and judgment (his parents are Charlie and Vi, his older brothers Quinn – his book was STRONG SILENT TYPE – and his brother Ben – his book COWBOY CASANOVA is next, releasing in December 2011 ) so he decided to hide out in his cousin Kane’s (RAISING KANE) trailer in Wyoming. Problem is, someone else is already hiding out there, Ava Cooper, a friend of Ginger’s, a Hollywood actress who is on the run from the tabloids.
The Book Pushers: How many books do you have planned for the Rough Riders Series?
LJ: In a perfect world, where I hit all my deadlines and the stars align perfectly, there will be 16 books total in the series, 2 a year through 2013.
The Book Pushers: Which of your characters did you enjoy writing the most? Which did you have the hardest time writing?
LJ: Usually the character I enjoy writing the most is always the most difficult. And since I just finished Chase’s book, I’ll have to say that boy gave me a rough time. I never “know” a character right off the bat, it takes a while to get into their head. Chase was a little resistant to me digging deep. Ava was a little easier, but when writing romance I find the female point of view easier to write than the male.
The Book Pushers: How many books are you contracted for with the Blacktop Cowboy Series? Do you have them planned out already?
LJ: Since the Blacktop Cowboys series is with a different publisher, those contracts are set up differently, usually 2 books per contract, so I’m contracted for WRANGLED AND TANGLED, which releases Nov. 1st and ONE NIGHT RODEO, which will release in July 2012. I have plenty of books planned, it could be as long running series as the Rough Riders, but we’ll have to wait and see.
The Book Pushers: You have written award winning mysteries under a different pen-name as Lori G Armstrong, do you have other plans to write more books under this pseudonym?
LJ: I’m currently working on the 3rd book in the Mercy Gunderson series, DARK MERCY, which will hopefully be out sometime in 2012. The mysteries are completely different from the erotic romances. They are dark and fairly violent – they’ve been called “medium boiled” mysteries by mystery reviewers. My female characters are very tough women who don’t need or want a man and are struggling with some pretty big personal issues. I write them in first person, and the focus is on the main character and her relationships—to others and to violence—not just focused on an intimate relationship. There is a thread of romance in both series, but it’s not center stage.
The Book Pushers: Do you also have plans to write in other genres or settings?
LJ: I love switching back and forth between writing the darker aspects of life—the mysteries—and the happier aspects of life—finding that perfect love match in the romances. I’m constantly jotting down ideas for new characters or plots, but right now, I’m trying to focus on the books I’ve got contracted. But I’d love to write paranormal, historical western, YA and a thriller.
The Book Pushers: What appeals to you about cowboys? And who is your ultimate favourite favourite cowboy they can be real or fictional (TV/Movies).
LJ: I love fictional cowboys, but I really love the guys I know personally who embody everything I write about. They are very inspiring in so many ways. Right now, my favorite western type show is Justified – I love love love me some Raylan Givens. I’m looking forward to seeing Daniel Craig as a cowboy in Cowboys and Aliens.
The Book Pushers: What made you choose Wyoming as the setting for your books?
LJ: The Sundance Wyoming area is one of my favorite places on earth. And since it’s within driving distance of my house, if I need inspiration, I can just hop in my car and drive there.
The Book Pushers: Your books are very hawt and sexy. The love scenes between characters adds so much to the romance and characterization, does this have a large impact on your writing or the characters themselves?
LJ: Both, definitely, how characters react to sex and sexual situations is fascinating. Some books are steamier than others, with menages, etc., and I don’t ever think…hmmm…I haven’t had a menage situation for two books, so it’s time to add one in *this* book. Each book is character dependent upon what I write for their scenes, there is no formula. All sex scenes need to move the story forward—or backward. Sex scenes need to affect the characters, either positively or negatively. And I’ll throw it out that I often use sex scenes as a tool to show that not all sex is sexy. It’s often messy, inopportune, one-sided, or even a big mistake. I’ve had some criticism about that, and I’ll take the hits but I won’t apologize or change the way I write those highly intimate scenes because they don’t fit into preconceived ideas for traditional romances, because they’re too real. My books are not standard romance fare, slapping the erotic label on them changes the rules completely. That said, the books are first and foremost romances.
The Book Pushers: Is there any scenes you have written that have made you laugh out loud or were plain fun to write? And this goes for sexy ones too!
LJ: I usually make myself laugh at least once during a book. But I really laughed after I finished the “goat scene” in SADDLED AND SPURRED. I wrote a sexy scene in CHASIN’ EIGHT that involves a balance ball…and that’s all I’m sayin’.
The Book Pushers: Those McKay men are very protective and loving towards their wives, and now most are Daddies. Will we get to see more funny stories and plot lines surrounding their kids?
LJ: Oh, I think I’ll include snippets of their lives as parents when it fits the storyline. I get asked a lot about specific characters—after their happily ever after, as it were. As much as I love giving back peeks, with 10 books behind me in this series, I could fill up the entire book with scenes from previous characters that aren’t germane to the current main characters, so it’s a balancing act not to cheat the main characters in the story, but satisfy the curiosity of long time fans. I’ve also been asked if I intend on writing about the next McKay generation and the answer is…most likely not. That would mean some of the older characters would die, and I couldn’t write that and I think my readers would string me up if I killed off characters. But luckily, I have lots of ideas for new books once I finish the Rough Riders series.
Because we are such huge fans here at The Book Pushers, we will be giveaway one ebooks of winner’s choice from Lorelei’s Rough Riders Series. Either leave a question for Lorelei or let us know YOUR favorite cowboy book to be entered to win! Open International and will close on Monday July 4th. Good Luck!
One more question L, are you planning on having Keely and Jack pop up in one of the remaining RR books with a baby in tow or one on the way?
My favorite cowboy book of Lorelei’s is “Cowboy UP and Ride”: Cord and A.J.
Lorelei is an awesome author and a terrific person.
You write realistic romance and about life in the modern west and they aren’t short stories, It’s almost as if we know these charactors personally. They could be my neighbors. LOL.
Thanks for all your hard work, we will be sad to see the RR series end, but I’m sure you have more up your sleeve.
I have read 4 of your books so far and loved them. My favourite has to be Chassie Trevor and Edgard in Rough raw & Ready. I read Long hard Ride first a couple of months ago then just had to jump out of sequence to get their story. I am gradually filling in the series, long may it continue
I also loved Cord & AJ, my second fave would have to be Cam & Domini. I love your books and can’t wait for the new one tomorrow!
Wow great interview! I have only read one of these books. A friend gave it to me and i had a love hate relationship with it for half the book give or take a few pages but i was won over by the end and now would love to try another one. I don’t really have a question because i have not read enough of Lorelei’s books to have any. My favorite cowboy would be John Wayne i guess. Love all his movies. Sexy cowboys i guess i’d have to go with Colby Mckay from the one book so far i’ve read of this series from Long Hard Ride.
LIsa B
Lorelei – love the series. What was the hardest scene to write in the entire series to date? Was the final version how you envisioned it originally?
Shoulda Been a Cowboy is the best Cowboy book evah!!!! I love Cam McKay. He is of course followed closey by Cord. But his story just gets me everytime. I love a strong hero who can also be weak and this book just hits me on the emotion meter over and over again.
Can’t wait for Chase’s Book Lorelei and congrats to you on it’s release tomorrow!!!!
great interview..
Out of all the Rough Rider books,is their one scene that was your favorite to write and what was the most difficult?
I am a huge fan of you. I cannot wait until tomorrow when I get Chasin’ Eight. I read that you may possibly be writing 16 books total for your Rough Riders Series. Do you know who is already in the book or do you just plan for a few books ahead and then just kind of wing it?
Oh yeah…even though I haven’t read any books under your other name, I think you should definitely stay with erotic romances. You are one of my top two authors I love!!!
Thanks for creating another world for me to get completely lost in!
Terrific interview! My hands-down favorite cowboy book is definitely Lorelei’s Rough, Raw, & Ready. I love Chassie, Trevor, and Edgard’s story. Lorelei writes in such a way she captures the raw emotion of each character and always leaves me wanting more. Looking forward to Chasin’ Eight in a few hours!
Hands down Chassie, Trevor and Edgard are my fav cowboys. Rough Raw and Ready was the first Lorelei James book I ever read and it’s still my favorite! It’s almost Chase time! Yippee1
I haven’t read any cowboy books so far. Hope this is my first. =)
Cord has been my favorite RR cowboy so far, followed closely by Colt. Well maybe Colt is my favorite followed closely by Cord….hmm…maybe I better think on this some more.
Favorite: Cowgirl up and Ride!
AJ rocks and sexy Cord. yum.
Gosh; writing 2 bks a year is amazing. I can’t even quibble up a coherent review! How do you keep the ideas fresh & running?
My favorite cowboy book that I’ve read so far is more of a novella really, Slow Ride by Lorelei James. I snagged a copy for free on my Kindle, read it, and immediatly bought the first in the series. LOVED that book.
I just realized that I’m a bit behind – I’ve only read through Shoulda Been a Cowboy. I’ve definitely got some catching up to do. If I had to pick a favorite, I think it would be Tied Up, Tied Down. I know many people aren’t wild about them, but personally, I love secret baby stories, and Kade had a lot to make up for when he got home. Best wishes on the newest.
Lorelei is absolutely amazing. I love this series and cant wait to get to know Chase
Another hot Cowboy!!!!!!
There are quite a few hard scenes I’ve written. I’ll have to say any of those scenes that deal with death always get to me when I’m writing them — I never just blithely kill off a character and say oh well. Either in romance or mystery.
Yes, I know the next 5 Rough Riders, who the books are about, and who I’ve paired the heroes with. Next up is Bennett McKay. His book COWBOY CASANOVA will release Dec. 6th. And KISSIN’ TELL will be out in the spring of 2012.
I’m actually writing 5 books a year – 2 in the Rough Riders series, 2 in the Blacktop Cowboys series, and 1 in the mystery series.
Good thing I love my job, huh?
What keeps me from getting bored is all the series are different, so I get to mix it up a lot.
Wow, picking a favorite book is difficult. I love all of her characters, They are so true to life that I feel like I know them. Besides the obvious romance in them, the stories behind the story are usually what grab me. The McKay family dynamics, how they look “perfect” to the outside world, and the struggles going on within. The true to life dealings with alcoholism, bisexuality, amputation, single motherhood, etc. Colt and India’s story was my all time favorite, or maybe it’s Keely and Jacks…or possibly Cam and Domini’s…or.. you get the picture…I really can’t decide.
I haven’t read the Blacktop Cowboy series yet…but they’re on my “To Read” list.
No way could I pick a favorite in this series. Like Katie above picking a favorite for me would be way to difficult. I love, love all the Rough Riders characters. Happy Release Day to you Lorelei, you are an amazing author and although I will truly be sad to see the end of the McKays some day, you are an auto buy for me… so, I will look forward to seeing more of those new idea’s for the future you mentioned.
Beverly… lover of all McKays
There is no way that I can pick a favorite!!!! But Chasin Eight sounds like it is going to get my heart a racin and my blood a pumping! Thanks for writing such invigorating books, they are wonderful to read before bed!
your books are soooo good! ive read all of the so far and am looking forward to chasin eight. i would have to say that tied up, tied down is my favorite book. i cant wait for the rest of the series to come out! thank you so much for the chance to win.
I keep hearing everyone praise Lorelei’s books, so I should finally get around and discover her series it seems
My favourite cowboy novel is Lawless by Nora Roberts.
stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com
I’ve actually just started this series and it is so good! I’m in the middle of “Rode Hard, Put Up Wet” and man, is it sexy
smaccall AT
I am currently 1/2 way through Chasin Eight and I absolutely love the entire series. The McKays are so hawt!!!!!! I have to say my favorite is Colt Branded as Trouble, Something about that bad boy…….. I also love the Blacktop cowboy series as well. You are a wonderful writer. Glad you enjoy your work. I think I may have to check our Lori G. Armstrong soon.
I have been making my way through the series, but one of my favs was a free read I downloaded from Barnes and Noble (I think), Slow Ride. All of the books are super sexy and sometimes laugh out loud funny!
I have found the best authors through free reads and winning contests. Lorelei was one of them!
The giveaway is now closed.
I love the RR Series
ms.lorelei is so good *thumbs up!* My favorite book is.. Hmmm.. Egdar and Trever’s book, coz i’m into Yaoi, haha.. But my favorite Mckay is Kade!
I’m looking forward for Chet and Remy, 2 west man and 1 female! That was a OMG moment!