Take Our Books

We have another installment of Take Our Books for you! Just comment with which set(s) you would like to win. Contest is open internationally and ends June 6th. Good luck!

Set 1

The Conquest of Lady CassandraThe Mistress Memoirs








Set 2

A Most Improper RumorSweet Madness









Set 3

WreckedHigh Risk









Set 4

Blood and MagicHouse Rules









Set 5

Mating InstinctUndead and Underwater









Set 6

IllicitThe Gin Lovers

72 thoughts on β€œTake Our Books”

  1. Awesome sets of books. I would love to have set 2 or set 3. Thanks for the giveaways.

  2. I’d like to enter to win sets 4, 5, or 6. I love when people do packs of books for giveaways because I find new books to read based on how other bloggers matched books up.

  3. oh wow so many good books!

    Set #3!!!! lol
    set #6 then #2

    thanks for sharing the book love!!

    Lisa B

  4. Set 3, Set 1, Set 2, Set 6, Set 5 or Set 4! Hey, that’s all the sets! Awesome!

  5. I’d love Set 3 (really been wanting to read Wrecked!), Set 4 (need to catch up on my Chicagoland Vampires!), or Set 5 (always up for trying new shifters…)

  6. I love historical romance and you’ve paired up 4 great authors but how to decide between Madeline and Jullian or Emma and Heather? I love all of their books! I’d love to get either set, Set 1 or Set 2!

    Thanks again for the great giveaway!

    Good Luck to everyone that enters!

  7. It’s been a long week for me, so I would love all of them. Set #3 really caught my eye πŸ˜‰

  8. Hard to choose
    3, 1, 4, 2, 5, or 6

    Thanks for the chance to win one of these sets.

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