Review: All For You by Jessica Scott

Publisher: Forever
Where did you get the book: e-ARC from Netgalley
Release date: Out now

Can a battle-scarred warrior . . .

Stay sober. Get deployed. Lead his platoon. Those are the only things that matter to Sergeant First Class Reza Iaconelli. What he wants is for everyone to stay out of his way; what he gets is Captain Emily Lindberg telling him how to deal with his men. Fort Hood’s newest shrink is smart as a whip and sexy as hell. She’s also full of questions—about the army, its soldiers, and the agony etched on Reza’s body and soul.

. . . open his heart to love?

allforyouEmily has devoted her life to giving soldiers the care they need—and deserve. Little does she know that means facing down the fierce wall of muscle that is Sergeant Iaconelli like it’s just another day at the office. When Reza agrees to help her understand what makes a soldier tick, she’s thrilled. Too bad it doesn’t help her unravel the sexy warrior in front of her who stokes her desire and touches a part of her she thought long dead. He’s the man who thinks combat is the only escape from the demons that haunt him. The man who needs her most of all . . .

*blurb taken from Goodreads*

When I found out that Reza’s book was going to be next, I admit I was excited and a little nervous. Reza came off as very abrupt in the previous book. I wondered how would Jessica Scott make me like this guy. I really shouldn’t have doubted her as it turns out Reza is now my favourite Jessica Scott hero.

Reza has major issues but he goes on a journey in this book, and his alcoholism isn’t magically cured. He has relapses and I’m glad the author showed this (such a strange thing to say, I know) but I think it wouldn’t have been realistic if he didn’t have any setbacks. Reza was pretty hawt. I loved the raw and magnetism that Jessica Scott portrayed. He can be crude, abrupt and he doesn’t suffer fools gladly but there’s a deep loyalty in Reza towards his men, and the deep responsibility he feels for them, especially the kids that come from broken homes similar to his childhood.

Emily I really liked; I found her to be adorable and she and Reza went toe to toe and despite her insecurities of never really fitting into the armed forces, she didn’t give up. She wanted to help soldiers with mental health problems and there was a lack of cynicism in her which is dealt with later on in the book when Emily realises how screwed up army politics can be and how flawed the system is towards soldiers with PTSD and other mental health issues. This is where some conflict lies between Reza and Emily. He wants to concentrate on the men that have served, and has little time for soldiers who haven’t yet served their duty but have issues with their mental health. Emily believes that all of his soldiers need Reza’s compassion but Reza doesn’t believe so; this is where the journey starts for Reza where he learns how he might have been wrong.

I loved Emily and Reza’s romance. There’s a wonderful thick tension between that was sexy. BUT. I wanted more heat and sex between them. I needed more smexy times with Reza because he was this big, powerful and dynamic guy and I suppose I wanted that to be reflected in some hot smexy times with Emily :D. Reza does butts heads with Emily at the beginning but by the end the two of them find each other and it was really romantic. Emily sees that Reza has issues but she doesn’t push him; she waits for him to tell her. But Reza isn’t perfect and when a tragic incident occurs, it puts him at breaking point where he picks up the bottle again and this is where Emily can no longer help him. Reza has to do that himself and he does; and by winning Emily back also!

I love how Jessica Scott shows the bonds and friendships these soldiers have with one another. I loved the scene when they go out on a tag shootout. Emily’s reaction was that of horror and excitement and it made me laugh. Reza came off as an ass from the viewpoint of other characters in previous books but in this book we see his viewpoint and it’s completely different. He protects Emily and he showed his big softy side.

I really enjoyed All For You. I suppose if there’s one critique it would be I wanted more hot and sexy times with Reza and Emily. I know–very unfair of me lol.


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