
E is addicted to books. She discovered at an early age that not only were they her transport to far off worlds, adventures, and exotic cultures, but that she ran into far fewer objects if she walked while reading then if she wasn't reading. She reads across several genres, such as: romance, western,mystery, SF/F and its derivatives. She isn't too picky except for good characterization, settings she can imagine, and a story that flows logically... umm so ok -- she wants a good story. Have any to recommend?

Tucson Festival of Books 2010 and Giveaway

My mother has been raving, probably since I graduated from college, about the wonders of the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books.  It is held annually in April on the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) http://events.latimes.com/festivalofbooks/. I have never managed to make it home during festival time unfortunately.  This past March 13th and […]

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ARC Review: Jazz Baby by Lorelie Brown

Over this past week I had the pleasure of reading a historical romance set in an era that I must admit I haven’t read willingly since High School.  Don’t get me wrong, I have overdosed on different settings including Scottish historical period, the regency and Victorian eras, the desert sheik/island millionaire/business tycoon, the Native American,

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