Retro Review

Retro Review – A Rose in Winter by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss

  Ladies and Gentlemen, It is time for another retro romance review.  This is one that I read shortly after I discovered The Bride.  In fact it was the second adult romance I ever read.  I had to be a little more careful when I was reading this one because it wasn’t on the bookcase,

Retro Review – A Rose in Winter by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss Read More »

Retro Review – The Bride by Julie Garwood

Greetings, here at The Book Pushers we have decided to add an occasional feature. While we enjoy discovering and sharing new authors we also have authors and books that bring back fond memories of yesteryear. These are going to be older romances. Some authors are still writing in the same genre or series. Other authors

Retro Review – The Bride by Julie Garwood Read More »