Joint Review: Officer Off Limits by Tessa Bailey

17910375Where did you get the book: E-arc from Netgalley/Bought

Publisher: Entangled Brazen

Release date: Out now

His need to possess her is non-negotiable.


Story Brooks’ fiancé just called off their wedding two weeks before the happy day. As if that isn’t bad enough, her semi-estranged father, an infamous NYPD hostage negotiator, has suffered a heart attack. Not wanting to examine her lack of emotion over the broken engagement, she hops on a plane to reconnect with her father before it’s too late.


Playboy hostage negotiator Daniel Chase has never, not once, been refused by a woman, so when a debate over hospital snack foods with a delectable kindergarten teacher ends in flat-out rejection, he makes it his mission to seduce her. His only obstacle? She’s the daughter of his mentor who implicitly forbade Daniel from pursuing her.


Despite her father’s warnings and Daniel’s troubled past, Daniel and Story can’t resist their intense attraction to one another. But when the reason for her fiancé’s abrupt wedding cancellation comes to light, can Story and Daniel’s already forbidden relationship survive?

*Blurb taken from Goodreads*

Has: OFFICER OFF LIMITS is the 3rd book in Tessa Bailey’s Line of Duty series, and she’s fast become an autobuy author for me this year. In this installment in the series, I think this is the best story yet. Story Brooks is not having a good evening after being dumped by her fiance over dinner (although she managed to get an expensive bottle of champagne and dessert as a consolation prize–and to the consternation to her ex’s wallet) and she also learns that her father has had a heart attack so rushes to his side in New York. There she meets the very attractive Daniel while they debate the pros and cons of snacks at the vending machine. He is soon warned off by her father who doesn’t want his ‘dick poking at her direction’.

 For me this was the start of a wonderful, sexy and hilarious read. I adored the opening chapters, especially with the tension between Story and Daniel was so tangible and thick with promise. Their chemistry was also filled with great banter that truly sparkled. I was giggling throughout the book because it was that funny and entertaining.

Lou: I must have been the only one who wasn’t a fan of the first book in the Line of Duty series but I soon found my way on the second and third book. Officer Off Limits spends more time on the romance, and there’s no TSTL actions committed by the heroine because of the lack of suspense. What set this book for me was the fun banter between Daniel and Story, and how Daniel reacts to Story’s father’s demands that he keeps his dick away from his daughter. There’s a lot of fun going on between the hero and heroine, and there’s enough durty talk to keep me happy. Daniel’s back history was a little glossed over but it didn’t detract from the romance in any way. Story feels Daniel is the perfect rebound after her ex-fiance but she’s soon confused and worried by how deep her feelings are for Daniel.

 I loved that Story poked back at Daniel and didn’t let him get away with some of his bullshit, especially at the beginning. She knows Daniel is a player and accepts that without trying to change him. Yet it’s Daniel that wants a more serious relationship with Story, and he’s the one that has to walk away when she hesitates. It was a nice turn around.


Has: Oh yes! I loved that she never let him run roughshod or take control in their relationship. I was also relieved that despite him being a player, there was no real angst over it as well. I liked that she approached their relationship as the one who wanted to keep it casual while he was the one who wanted something more meaningful.

 I also liked that Daniel was the one who gave her the space, even though it went against his instincts but it really ratcheted up the sexual tension, even though they both submitted to their desires early on in the book. But can I say the sex scenes was one of the hottest I’ve read in a long while. The dirty talk, the banter, especially during the love scenes, was ZOMG. I think I needed a fan. The one minute challenge was just amazesmexballstothewall.


“Story just barely managed to keep her voice even as her fingers unlocked the screen on her phone and she opened the timer application. “Fine. I’m not sure what you can prove in one minute, but let’s see what you’ve got, big boy/”

“Lift up your skirt.”

The deep tone of his unexpected demand raked across her senses. Composure slipping, her eyes shot to his. “Wh-what?”

“I want your permission.”

“I don’t understand,” she breathed.

“When my minute is up, you need to remember that you asked for it. Lift your skirt.”


Lou: The quote above was just the beginning of some sexy smexing, and the one thing you can always count on Tessa Bailey for is the durty talking. Bailey will always deliver great erotic romance scenes that never disappoint. This book had that in spades, but it also had a lot of fun moments like the ball game where Daniel and Story make a bet on who wins, and then straight afterwards they have hot, durty sex in the back of his car. There was a great mixture of components and the karaoke scene was super fun. Story’s best friend was mentioned a lot in this book and she’s definitely sequel bait for the next book.

Has: Another favourite scene  I adored was the Kareoke one when Story and her friend ends up singing ‘No Scrubs’ and the cherry on top later is when Daniel takes up the challenge and sings ‘Oh Mickey’ in a monotone voice. This scene was a real highlight of the book and really shows how humorous and funny it was, especially with the fun banter and tension between Daniel and Story

‘“You’re interrupting my song,” she informed him. And the entire bar, since she still held the microphone up to her mouth.

Before she could blink, he’d climbed on the stage with her and easily pulled the microphone out of her hand.

“You’re welcome.”

She made a sound of outrage. “This is exactly how Taylor Swift felt when Kanye West stole her thunder at the VMAs.”

His scowl deepened. “I don’t know who or what those things are.”

“You’re lying.”

You’ve had too much to drink.”

A new song started. Drawing her attention to the screen. Story’s lips spread into a smile..

“And you’re holding the microphone. You have to sing the next song. House rules.”
She looked at the DJ, who confirmed with a nod.

“If you think I’m going to participate in the drunk Olympics, you’re crazy.”

However, I did wish there was more on Story’s revelations and self realisations about hiding her true self over the course of the book. It felt there should have been more, especially when she has stifled her outspokenness and opinions to become someone different and that was kind of dropped towards the end. It didn’t make any sense because it was one of the reasons why it wouldn’t have worked out with her ex fiance and I wished this was touched more at the end.  But I did like the twist at the end which ties in with her fiance and how this affected her relationship with Daniel. I was glad the focus of the main plot was focused on the romance, which made the book so much stronger compared to the previous two installments in this series.

Lou: Yeah, I didn’t get the revelations about becoming another person to please other people. That emotional conflict didn’t really go anywhere because Story acted like herself throughout the book. At least she didn’t put on an act that I saw. Perhaps if we actually saw her behaving in this way then it would have made a little sense. She was so blase about her ex-fiance breaking up with her that I was surprised there wasn’t anymore emotion shown. I also didn’t get the ending of the book with the suspense plot. It was wham bam, and then over so quickly that it didn’t add anything to the romance other than Daniel coming into save the day. I’ve noticed that Bailey does seem to have an issue with endings being rushed so I hope the next book shy away from suspense situations because there’s no where near enough time to do it justice in a novella.


Despite my issues with the above, I really enjoyed this book and it made for a great read with Daniel and Story resolving their issues in the end, along with a little revelation from her father that made me laugh, though it was the tipping point for the required separation.


I give Officer Off Limits a B


Has: I totally agree about being too blase and I think this is what Tessa Bailey meant with the revelations but that storyline didn’t tie in properly for me. I did feel the suspense plot worked for me because it was more organic and the ending didn’t feel so rushed for me. Although I am with you about the previously rushed endings in the other books.

 Nonetheless, I really really enjoyed OFFICER OFF LIMITS and I think this is Tessa Bailey’s best book to date. The romance was engaging and funny and the love scenes were truly scorching. I absolutely adored the snappy dialogue which just sparkled. But the love story between Daniel and Story was a pure and utter delight and I think Tessa Bailey has firmly cemented herself in my auto-buy list!


I give Officer Off Limits a B+


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