Review – Flight from Hell (Otherworld #15.5) by Yasmine Galenorn

Flight From Hell cover image

Publisher: Intermix
Publish Date: 19 Aug
How I got this book: ARC from the publisher via Netgalley

When Carter, half demon, comes to Menolly and her sisters, asking for their help, they think he’s just had a tiff with Shimmer, his blue dragon girlfriend.

But after talking to Alex Radcliffe, the owner of the Fly By Night Magical Investigations Agency where Shimmer works, they suspect that she has been kidnapped by an old enemy of Alex’s.

Now, Alex joins forces with the D’Artigo sisters in a desperate race to find Shimmer before Julian, a powerful vampire from Alex’s past with a grudge to settle, can use the dragon to wreak havoc on Seattle as revenge.
This blurb came from the author’s website.

I have been a fan of this series ever since I discovered Witchling. I loved the idea of three sisters each with different strengths, weaknesses, fears, and watching them grow as they were tested almost beyond endurance. As the series progressed each also had to deal with love, loss, and building family by choice. Not to mention drastic changes in their world as they fight to keep Earth and its Supes free from those who want to start a war between the dimensons. I am unfortunately a few books behind in Galenorn’s Otherworld series, but when I heard she was doing a novella that would introduce her spin-off series I couldn’t resist.

This novella focuses on the three sisters but the central characters from the upcoming Fly By Night series are introduced and enough of their complicated back-story was provided to really get me interested in seeing what happens next with them. If you haven’t read anything set in the Otherworld yet and you aren’t avoiding spoilers I recommend you visit Galenorn’s Otherworld Wiki because she has developed an extensive cast of key characters.

Menolly, a vampire, is given the task of cleaning up a problem involving the sudden increase in death by multiple vampire bites followed by the rising of unsanctioned vampires who only want to feed. As she starts her investigation, she and her sisters are hit with another problem that appears to have a connection and then things got complicated. This particular novella had more action and less romance because things take place over a relatively short time period and it appears as if each sister is at a stable place in their relationships, something I was happy to see.

Even with all of the action it was good to see Menolly tune in a bit more to her softer feelings and use those cues to move forward in both her investigation and potentially with her sometimes reluctant allies. I loved seeing her interact with Alex and the members of his Investigation Agency each of whom was a bit off from her mental image. It was also great to see some familiar characters and watch Menolly start to recognize behavior she viewed as annoying was really that of someone who was desperately lonely but didn’t know how to interact with others. I am looking forward to seeing Galenorn pull that thread a bit more in succeeding installments.

Flight From Hell‘s villain Julian, also brought some interesting rather dangerous powers, a will to use them, and revenge feeding his efforts. I am very curious to see if the effects of his feud with Alex will appear in both series or only in the Fly by Night series. I am also curious to see since all of the main characters appear to have met how close their interaction will be in the future. In other words, it looks like Galenorn has succeeded in hooking me to another series.

I give Flight From Hell a B+

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