Review – Playing Dirty by HelenKay Dimon

Playing DirtyPublisher: Avon
Publish Date: Out now
How I got this book: Edelweiss
Reviewer: MinnChica

As an elite Alliance agent—the joint undercover operation of MI6, the British Secret Intelligence Service, and the CIA—Ford Decker lives for the adrenaline. But when he befriends sexy property manager Shay Alexander in hopes of finding her cousin, a known national security threat, Ford crosses the line, getting to know her better . . . in bed.

After being burned by her last relationship, Shay wants to take things slow. Yet she can’t keep her hands off the drop-dead gorgeous hottie who’s moved into her apartment building. So when Ford’s identity as an undercover agent is exposed, his betrayal cuts deep. Shay never wants to see him again, but Ford can’t let her go, not when her life is still in danger. He will sacrifice everything to protect her, then be prepared to walk away from the only woman he’s ever loved, even if it breaks him.
*Blurb from Goodreads*

I was super excited to read Dimon’s new romantic suspense series, because I absolutely adore her writing.

Ford loves his new job with Alliance, and after things went wrong for him at the CIA, this is his last chance to work in the field he loves, keeping the bad guys off the streets. Although Shay is part of his mission, Ford gets in deep with her, and makes the mistake of taking their relationship into the bedroom.

Shay isn’t looking for anything series, and her relationship with Ford is near perfect. Until she wants to learn more about him, and Ford continues to be evasive. Add in her missing cousin and her uncle making questionable decisions, and Shay isn’t sure what is going on in her life anymore. But when everything crashes around her, Shay is going to have to decide who to trust. With her life.

I adored Ford when we first met him in Dimon’s introductory novella to the series. Getting to see him in action was so great. Ford was an Alpha to the extreme. He was the kind of take charge hero that wasn’t afraid to bust a few heads to get what he wanted. I loved the way he was constantly conflicted with his relationship with Shay, and what it meant for him both personally and professionally. He was constantly putting his job of the line for her, and I thought it showed a side of him that made me swoon.

I really enjoyed Shay’s character as well. She had been burnt in her previous relationships, so getting involved with someone so secretive wasn’t her idea situation. But the way she handled Ford was perfect. She pushed and pulled in the perfect amounts, and I really liked the way she was a total adult about everything.

The romance between these two was great, and I thought the way Dimon spliced the story with the suspense and the romance was so well done. The blend of pulse-pounding action and then sweet romance was perfect. I was glad to see Ford have to fight for Shay at the end, especially after she realizes the truth about their meeting.

I am also super excited to read the other books in this new series. The secondary cast of characters were such a hoot, and I can’t wait to watch all these Alpha men fall in love.

All in all, I think Dimon as a big hit on her hands with this new series. The strong bond between the Alliance teams reminded me of Cindy Gerard’s Black Ops Inc books. The romance was wonderfully written, with both sweet and super sexy moments throughout. I’m anxious to read more!
I give Playing Dirty a B


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