Publisher: Berkley
Where did you get the arc: From the publisher
Release date: Out now
Reviewed by Has

Return to New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh’s darkly passionate Guild Hunter world, where human-turned-angel Elena Deveraux, consort to Archangel Raphael, is thrust center stage into an eons-old prophecy….
Midnight and dawn, Elena’s wings are unique among angelkind…and now they’re failing. The first mortal to be turned into an immortal in angelic memory, she’s regressing. Becoming more and more human. Easier to hurt. Easier to kill.
Elena and Raphael must unearth the reason for the regression before it’s too late and Elena falls out of the sky. Yet even as they fight a furious battle for Elena’s very survival, violent forces are gathering in New York and across the world.
In China, the Archangel Favashi is showing the first signs of madness. In New York, a mysterious sinkhole filled with lava swallows a man whole. In Africa, torrential monsoon rains flood rolling deserts. And in Elena’s mind whispers a haunting voice that isn’t her own.
This time, survival may not be possible…not even for the consort of an archangel.
*Blurb taken from Goodreads*
Wow what a book! I did not expect the twists and turns and the major developments that happened although the story starts off innocuous enough with Elena investigating an attack at her brother in law’s house. She discovers that his past has caught up with him and is now threatening her niece and sister. But her troubles are not over while over the course of the investigation she is going through changes that hint that she is starting to lose her angelic abilities and is regressing back to mortality.
Raphael is also worried sick for Elena’s slow disintegration but he is distracted with the fallout of the Cascade which is causing worldwide natural disasters. The story has this slow growing sense of dread as both Elena and the world is slowly suffering a calamity, although this isn’t stopping her or Raphael in fighting back against this unseen enemy.
I really enjoyed the mystery, while epic changes and catastrophes are happening around her, Elena focuses on the very serious threat to her family and is determined to find the attacker who is also behind a series of murders in New York that is linked with her brother in law. I loved that she never gave up on her mission even though she was literally disintegrating and becoming weaker, Elena’s determination and stubbornness is a core strength although it was heart-breaking to see her coping with each new stage of her transformation and it made me anxious to see what happened next. I have to say this was the darkest book of the series yet. The danger within and outside really ratchet up the tension that left me guessing what will happen next to Elena, the mystery and how they could resolve things.
Raphael and Elena’s relationship is more solid than ever. I loved that despite the events that surrounded them was a huge threat, they were as strong and resolute as ever before. There were a couple of lovely scenes that really cemented that and the quiet little interludes really helped with the evolution of their romance but also helped with giving a lot of hope in the book.
The main twist to the plot and I am going to refrain from spoiling because I think it’s important to the book and plot, is the prophecy from a mysterious angel that is given to Elena about her transformation. I was blown away by this turn of events especially towards the end of the book. I know the book has divided opinions because it is left on a humdinger of a cliffhanger. And while I am on tenterhooks about what will happen next ( I MEAN HOW CAN IT END LIKE THAT!!!) I am really excited about this new development. I have my own theories and I loved that Nalini Singh is not afraid to throw a grenade in the ongoing story arc to shake things up. But this book is a huge game changer and while we have to wait for almost a year for the next book, it will be worth the wait.
ARCHANGEL’S PROPHECY, is a heart-wrenching, edge on your seat and enthralling installment in the Guild Hunter series!