Vote for Iron Kissed by Patricia Briggs. It needs your votes people! Edit: Also, if Briggs gets through we will give away two ebook copies of Iron Kissed from Fictionwise. So vote!!!
Vote for Iron Kissed by Patricia Briggs. It needs your votes people! Edit: Also, if Briggs gets through we will give away two ebook copies of Iron Kissed from Fictionwise. So vote!!!
When Has showed me the link, my immediate thought was: Your ass is gonna get sued! Russet Noon- the tribute sequel to Breaking Dawn! My immediate thought now: Yup, you’re still gonna get your ass sued! Has – Update: It looks like Lady Sybillia has either got a strongly worded cease and decease letter from
Idiotic ideas. Seriously! Read More »
Lisa Kleypas Smooth Talking Stranger Posted using ShareThis Dear Author and Smart Bitches are once again have a corker of a give away, all in the name of the Save The Contemporary Campaign. You have a chance of winning a copy of Smooth Talking Stranger by Lisa Kleypas, and they have 20 copies to give
Lisa Kleypas Smooth Talking Stranger Read More »
Words fail to describe how bad this really is. It’s a scanned page from a sci-fi book that shows diabolical description skills. It’s mind boggling since Ace published this little gem. Here is the link: Clicky Some of the quotes are EPIC! “Her face has the fragrance of a gibbous moon.” WTF! “Her thighs were
You’ve heard of LOLZ cats and dogs. Now you have LOLZ books! The first victim, Ilona Andrews, whose reaction when shown this pretty much rocked the house. This little gem was created by Has, and fellow members of Hurog. Be warned this is a FLASHING GIF IMAGE. LOLCurran The second victim was, Jeaniene Frost. Be