
Review: When Marrying a Scoundrel by Kathryn Smith

Publisher: Avon Where did you get this book: E-arc from the author. Release date: Out now. Blurb taken from A lady must be prepared for anything . . . when marrying a scoundrel. Sadie Moon once thought she was in love. Then her dashing husband left her to seek his fortune, and she had […]

Review: When Marrying a Scoundrel by Kathryn Smith Read More »

Review: This World We Live in by Susan Beth Pfeffer

Publisher:  Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Where did you get the book: Netgalley e-arc Release date:  1st March 2010 Blurb taken from It’s been a year since a meteor collided with the moon, catastrophically altering the earth’s climate. For Miranda Evans, life as she knew it no longer exists. Her friends and neighbors are dead, the

Review: This World We Live in by Susan Beth Pfeffer Read More »