
Review: Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

Publisher: Scholastic Where did you get this book: Purchased from bookstore Release date: Available now This review contains spoilers! . Blurb taken from Scholastic website: Against all odds, Katniss Everdeen has survived the Hunger Games twice. But now that she’s made it out of the bloody arena alive, she’s still not safe. The Capitol is […]

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Dual Review: Touched by an Alien by Gini Koch

Publisher: Daw Where did you get the book from: Purchased copy Release date: Out now. Blurb taken from Goodreads How can a sexy marketing manager join forces with an Alpha Centauri male in Armani to save the planet-using hairspray, a Mont Blanc pen, and rock n’ roll? Easy… She’s Touched by an Alien Marketing manager Katherine

Dual Review: Touched by an Alien by Gini Koch Read More »

Review: Claimed by Vicki Lewis Thompson

Publisher: Harlequin Blaze Where did you get the book: e-ARC from publisher Release date: Out now Blurb taken from Harlequin’s official website: Following a dream brought Josie Keller to Shoshone, Wyoming. Following her heart brought her plenty of great sex with good-time cowboy Jack Chance! She was head over heels for him… until he left

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